
Showing posts from March, 2022
March 14 UPDATE: A Spring clean-up of San Jose II Cemetery (formerly the Montopolis Cemetery) is scheduled for Saturday April 23 - beginning at 9 AM (weather permitting). We are meeting at 2512 Hoeke Lane . You will be directed into the parking area. Everyone should sign in on-site. Please spread the news and bring others with you. Before any work begins, there will be a short introductory talk. We will break off into teams. Please note that there is thorny greenbriar, so leather gloves are recommended. If you bring tools, please label them with your name and phone number. Please protect yourself with appropriate clothing and gloves. The area has poison oak. Fortunately the new spring plant growth will just be beginning. Please do not wear sandals - and long sleeve shirts are advised. There is no electricity. Access to a restroom with running water is being arranged. A major focus is the removal of trash and especially tires. A pathway for vehicles from the orgin
UPDATE: The first-ever meeting of the new San Jose Montopolis Cemetery Association (SJMCA) will meet THIS Saturday March 12. The basic agenda items to be discussed will be procedural issues, reviewing priorities and orienting ourselves to address the responsibilities we have undertaken. Because of the need to organize the internal affairs of the board first, we will open future meetings up to the community. Stay tuned for the invitation and we hope you will join us then.