San Jose Cemetery clean up Sunday UPDATE: Day 2 of the San Jose cemetery Sunday clean-up is still scheduled. Meet at 8101 Posten Lane at 9 am Weather: The forcast indicates that a cold front will arrive the Austin area between 11 and 1 pm. Temperatures and humidity will drop. There is a chance for scattered showers as the front approaches. But if it presents an issue, we will stop early. The UT community service group Texas Infinities will be joining us. This makes their second year and we are looking forward to having them working with us again. For the community, we continue to need chainsaws, 'weed-eaters' and a couple of lawnmowers. We have some yard implements, trash bags and a lot of gloves. You are welcome to bring your own tools, but please mark them for identification. Tasks will focus on clearing established pathways, removing of branches/limbs, and some trash and recyclables (bottles/aluminum cans). Branch trimming will happen where needed, raking, a...